Theme: “Let the Children come to me” Matthew 19:14
The greatest amazing event in his life is the day, ‘a red letter day’ when he received our Lord Jesus Christ as his personal saviour at the crusade on the very day of the 22nd Friday 1991 at K. Thenjol , KCA while going through I Tim. 5:6 he came to realise that he was under the hardcore of the Satan (Evil). After confessing his trespasses he came to realise that he is forgiven and will be accepted for the everlasting Kingdom as in.. Eph. 1:6-7, John. 3:1
From the very day onward, he fervently apologized to God saying ‘O Lord, what shall I do to please you as you have forgiven me? And I will be still waiting for your ministry’. In the year June 27, 1991, he totally abstained from all evil deeds and satisfied to work for the ministry of God till his life is existed on this living world.
By adoring to God, he started his first life for the sake of the little children from the year 1994. Aftersometime, he pursued his Bachelor of Religion Educaton (BRE) in the year 1999-2003 when he came ro realize that training is a must for every leader. Leadership is not an easy task. It must posses a great equality in every field. At present, he has been both working the Children Gospel Ministry, India. He married Miss. Lhingneineng on 20th December 2007 and the Lord blessed both of them with the four lovely children. His wife is a great help to the ministry.